Montserrat is a mountain top monastery in Catalonia, Spain. Situated atop an unusual rock mountain, it is very popular among Catalans, and Catholic pilgrims come from far and wide to see the Black Madonna.
The monastery is Catalonia's most important religious retreat and groups of young people from Barcelona and all over Catalonia make overnight hikes at least once in their lives to watch the sunrise from the heights of Montserrat.
At 1236 meters (4055 ft) above the valley floor, Montserrat is the highest point of the Catalan lowlands, and stands central to the most populated part of Catalonia. The stone monolith is ideally located to play an important role in the cultural and spiritual life of Catalonia.
Private transport is for sure the most confortable option to get to Montserrat easy and fast. BookTaxiBarcelona brings to you Private transportation from Barcelona to Montserrat and return for individuals and groups (up to 8 people with the same vehicle).
ExamplePackage: Visit Montserrat by Taxi by BookTaxiBarcelona
Service: 8 pax, taxi transportation from Barcelona City to Montserrat
Price per pax: 26,75€ Offer Status: Available (total amount 214€)
Our price includes: